Collaboration with IBN
There has been an intensive collaboration with IBN for many years. IBN’s mission is to successfully bring people who are distanced from the labor market into paid work. IBN focuses on offering – or guiding towards – wage-generating work: work that people can be proud of and that does justice to what employees are capable of. At Medica Europe, people who belong to this group work through IBN in the cleanroom, in the warehouse and in order picking. Partly on this basis, Medica Europe was awarded the PSO certificate (Social Entrepreneurship Performance Ladder) in November 2012 for step 3 (the highest step of PSO), see the appendices for the certificate.
Working conditions
Medica Europe endorses the requirements of national labor legislation and the basic conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO). Suppliers are also tested against these criteria. In addition, Medica Europe, through its membership of the Dutch trade association for Medical Technology, is affiliated with the Code of Conduct for Medical Devices (certificate).
Collaboration with IBN
There has been an intensive collaboration with IBN for many years. IBN’s mission is to successfully bring people who are distanced from the labor market into paid work. IBN focuses on offering – or guiding towards – wage-generating work: work that people can be proud of and that does justice to what employees are capable of. At Medica Europe, people who belong to this group work through IBN in the cleanroom, in the warehouse and in order picking. Partly on this basis, Medica Europe is awarded the PSO certificate (Social Entrepreneurship Performance Ladder) since November 2012 for step 3 (the highest step of PSO), see certificate.
Working conditions
Medica Europe endorses the requirements of national labor legislation and the basic conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO). Suppliers are also tested against these criteria. In addition, Medica Europe, through its membership of the Dutch trade association for Medical Technology, is affiliated with the Code of Conduct for Medica Europe.
Since 2004, Medica Europe has supported the Equal Opportunity Fund (E.O.F.), an organization that has been active since 1990 in one of the most disadvantaged regions of Ghana, namely the Upper West Region in the North. The core of E.O.F.'s projects is education. The E.O.F. offers training to support regular education, but also aimed at women's groups, farmers and special target groups such as disabled children and teenage mothers. In addition, E.O.F. vocational education and provides care for early school leavers, with an emphasis on practice-oriented education. All these initiatives aim to enable the people in this region to find their way independently.
With a dedicated focus on preventive care and health, Medica Europe has been actively supporting the Oss Food Bank since March 2024. The Oss Food Bank provides weekly assistance to approximately 200 households in the region, where there is often a shortage of fresh products. In response, Medica Europe will supply fresh products at various times in the coming years, in collaboration with local fruit and vegetable suppliers. Additionally, we installed a baler to improve the food bank's operational efficiency. This solution not only reduces space requirements, but also the extra work associated with the abundance of boxes the food bank receives each week.
Medica Europe positions itself as a leading player in the medical disposables industry, focused on relieving the burden on healthcare and delivering sustainable solutions. The pay-off ‘Serving Solutions’ serves as a guideline for all communication.
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