About Medica Europe
Core values
Our organizational culture revolves around three core values: engagement, integrity, and our commitment to relieving caregivers so they can focus entirely on other important tasks, including patient care.
These values are not just words on a wall; they are the beating heart of Medica Europe. Our core values guide all our choices and decisions; they steer our approach, determine how we handle setbacks, and form the basis for celebrating our successes.
Our mission
Medica Europe positions itself as a leading player in the medical disposables industry, focused on relieving the burden on healthcare and delivering sustainable solutions. The pay-off ‘Serving Solutions’ serves as a guideline for all communication.
Our history
You may be wondering what women’s lingerie has to do with Medica Europe? The surprising beginning of our story dates back to 1884, when Mr. S. Vahle opened a shop for women’s lingerie, jersey, yarn and ribbon in The Hague. Remarkably, S. Vahle & Co. towards the end of the century. More than 30 years later, Mr. Vahle’s son took over the business, expanded it into a wholesale department, and this led to the establishment of “N.V. Medica Watten & Gazenfabriek”.
After the war, Medica Watten & Gazenfabriek experienced impressive growth and introduced a new corporate identity and group name: “Medica B.V. Hospital Supplies”. After the takeover of Taltron in Ommen, Medica also acquired injection molding and extrusion facilities.
Although you would expect the name Medica to be retained, our name changed to Maxxim Medical Europe B.V. when we were acquired by the American Maxxim Medical Incorporated in 1995. Only after a management buyout in 2004 did the current name emerge: Medica Europe B.V.
Today, Medica Europe is a leading manufacturer and supplier of disposable healthcare products. With a team of more than 190 employees, including approximately 50 on long-term secondment from IBN, and branches in Oss and Ommen, Medica Europe offers an extensive range of specialized products. We have a worldwide focus on the Benelux, where quality, collaboration and customer focus are central.
About Medica Europe
Core values
Our organizational culture revolves around the 3 core values: committed, honest and our aim to ‘take care off the hands’ of healthcare providers, so that they can fully focus on other important tasks, including care for patients.
The beating heart
These values are not just words on the wall, they are the beating heart of Medica Europe. Our core values guide all our choices and decisions; they guide us in hiring new colleagues, guide our approach, determine how we deal with setbacks and form the basis for celebrating our successes.
Quality management system
Our quality management system is certified according to the most recent version of ISO 13485. This system is tested through an annual audit by Notified Body: BSI.
Improve continuously
Our ambition is not only to deliver a safe product, but also to continuously improve our quality system, our products and our services. We think it is very important that customers play a significant role in this.
Medica Europe Ommen
With more than 60 years of experience in injection molding of both medical and non-medical components, we are now highly specialized in plastics processing. But this is not the only thing we do in Ommen. Medica Europe Ommen’s quality management system is also certified according to the most recent version of ISO 13485, which allows us to offer the same services in Ommen as in Oss; from contract manufacturing to putting together your Custom Procedure Trays.
From A to Z project support
We serve customers in various sectors, including the automotive, medical, pharmaceutical and gas and water industries. At Medica Europe Ommen you can count on support throughout the entire process, from the initial design to the delivery of the final product. In this way we can produce products that meet your specific requirements and wishes.
Your benefits
Our team consists of well-trained professionals who continuously stay informed of the latest techniques and developments thanks to regular training. Furthermore, we take advantage of the opportunity to employ employees from a SW company, which allows us to offer your (cleanroom) assembly work at very competitive prices.
Het verrassende begin van ons verhaal dateert uit 1884, toen de heer S. Vahle in Den Haag een winkel opende voor dameslingerie, tricot, garen en band. Misschien vraag je je af wat dameslingerie te maken heeft met Medica Europe? Opmerkelijk genoeg werd S. Vahle & Co. tegen het einde van de eeuw hofleverancier. Ruim 30 jaar later nam de zoon van de heer Vahle de zaak over, breidde deze uit tot een groothandelsafdeling, en dit leidde tot de oprichting van de “N.V. Medica Watten & Gazenfabriek”.
de heer
S. Vahle

Na de oorlog maakte Medica Watten & Gazenfabriek een indrukwekkende groei door en introduceerde het een nieuwe huisstijl en groepsnaam: “Medica B.V. Hospital Supplies”. Na de overname van Taltron in Ommen verwierf Medica bovendien spuitgiet- en extrusiefaciliteiten.Hoewel je zou verwachten dat de naam Medica behouden bleef, veranderde onze naam in Maxxim Medical Europe B.V. toen we in 1995 werden overgenomen door het Amerikaanse Maxxim Medical Incorporated. Pas na een management buy-out in 2004 ontstond de huidige naam: Medica Europe B.V.
Tegenwoordig is Medica Europe een toonaangevende producent en leverancier van disposable producten voor de gezondheidszorg. Met een team van meer dan 190 medewerkers, waaronder ongeveer 50 langdurig gedetacheerd vanuit IBN, en vestigingen in Oss en Ommen, biedt Medica Europe een uitgebreid assortiment gespecialiseerde producten. We hebben wereldwijd een focus op de Benelux, waar kwaliteit, samenwerking en klantgerichtheid centraal staan.
Medica Europe positions itself as a leading player in the medical disposables industry, focused on relieving the burden on healthcare and delivering sustainable solutions. The pay-off ‘Serving Solutions’ serves as a guideline for all communication.
With a dedicated focus on preventive care and health, Medica Europe has been actively supporting the Oss Food Bank since March 2024. The Oss Food Bank provides weekly assistance to approximately 200 households in the region, where there is often a shortage of fresh products. In response, Medica Europe will supply fresh products at various times in the coming years, in collaboration with local fruit and vegetable suppliers.
Baler installation
We have installed a baler to improve the operational efficiency of the food bank. This solution not only reduces space requirements, but also the extra work associated with the abundance of boxes the food bank receives each week.
In the product overview you will find all our products per category with a short description, a product number and an order number.
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